Class V3PixSourceMessageHelper


public class V3PixSourceMessageHelper extends Object
The Class V3PixSourceMessageHelper. Simplifies the api to the three different PIX Source messages implementations and leaves the possibility to get back to elements PatientRole for languageCommunication which are not implemented in OHT V3 Message
  • Constructor Details

    • V3PixSourceMessageHelper

      public V3PixSourceMessageHelper(boolean addMessage, boolean revisedMessage, boolean mergeMessage, String senderApplicationOid, String senderFacilityOid, String receiverApplicationOid, String receiverFacilityOid)
      create a V3PixSourceMessageHelper with the supplied sender and receiver. OHT does not set the conduction Indicator value in the MFMI_MT700701UV01/subject control act wrapper to false this is fixed in the constructor
      addMessage - true use V3PixSourceRecordAdded for message generation
      revisedMessage - true use V3PixSourceRecordRevised for message generation
      mergeMessage - true use V3PixSourceMergePatients for message generation
      senderApplicationOid - application oid of the sender
      senderFacilityOid - facility oid of the sender
      receiverApplicationOid - receiver oid the application
      receiverFacilityOid - receiver oid of the facility
  • Method Details

    • createTEL

      public static net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.datatypes.TEL createTEL(String telecomValue, String useValue)
      create a TEL type object with the supplied telecom value and use value (if supplied) we extend the type her also for the mobile, the standard PixPdqV3Utils.createTel has only WP and HP for useValue
      telecomValue - (the phone, web, or e-mail address value)
      useValue - (original either "WP" for Work or "HP" for Home)
      TEL type with the supplied telecom and use values.
    • addEmployeeCode

      public void addEmployeeCode(String employeeOccupationCode)
      adds an employee code
      employeeOccupationCode - CWE:EmployeeOccupationCode
    • addLanguageCommunication

      public void addLanguageCommunication(String languageCommunication)
      adds a language communication.
      languageCommunication - the language communication {CWE:HumanLanguage}
    • addPatientAddress

      public void addPatientAddress(net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.datatypes.AD address)
      add an address for the patient.
      address -
    • addPatientConfidentialityCode

      public void addPatientConfidentialityCode(String code)
      adds a confidentiality code to the patient
      code - confidentiality Code {CWE:Confidentiality}
    • addPatientEthnicGroupCode

      public void addPatientEthnicGroupCode(String code)
      add a patient ethnic group code to the patient
      code - patient etnnic group code {CWE:Ethnicity}
    • addPatientID

      public void addPatientID(String extension, String root, String namespace)
      adds a patient identifier
      extension - patient identifier
      root - oid of patient identifier domain
      namespace - namespace of patient identifier domain
    • addPatientName

      public void addPatientName(String familyName, String givenName, String otherName, String prefixName, String suffixName)
      adds a patient name
      familyName - family
      givenName - given
      otherName - other
      prefixName - prefix
      suffixName - suffix
    • addPatientNation

      public void addPatientNation(String nationCode)
      adds a nation code
      nationCode - CWE:NationEntityType
    • addPatientOtherID

      public void addPatientOtherID(String extension, String root)
      add a patient other id for the patient
      extension - id for the patient which should be listed as otherId
      root - oid of the patient id domain
    • addPatientRaceCode

      public void addPatientRaceCode(String code)
      adds patient race code to the patient
      code - patient race code {CWE:Race}
    • addPatientTelecom

      public void addPatientTelecom(String telecomValue, String useValue)
      adds a telecom value with the provided useValue ("HP" or "WP" or "H" or "MC")
      telecomValue - value for the telecom
      useValue - usage of telecom: "HP" or "WP" or "H" or "MC"
    • getV3MergePatientsMessage

      public V3PixSourceMergePatients getV3MergePatientsMessage()
      Gets the v3 merge patients message.
      the v3 merge patients message
    • getV3RecordAddedMessage

      public V3PixSourceRecordAdded getV3RecordAddedMessage()
      Gets the v3 record added message.
      the v3 record added message
    • getV3RecordRevisedMessage

      public V3PixSourceRecordRevised getV3RecordRevisedMessage()
      Gets the v3 record revised message.
      the v3 record revised message
    • setPatientBirthPlace

      public void setPatientBirthPlace(net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.datatypes.AD addressBirthPlace)
      sets the birth place
      addressBirthPlace - the birth place address
    • setPatientBirthTime

      public void setPatientBirthTime(String birthTime)
      sets the patient birth time.
      birthTime - birthtime of the patient
    • setPatientDeceased

      public void setPatientDeceased(boolean patientDeceased)
      sets whether the patient is deceased
      patientDeceased - true if patient is deceased
    • setPatientDeceasedTime

      public void setPatientDeceasedTime(String patientDeceasedTime)
      sets the patient deceased time.
      patientDeceasedTime - deceased time of the patient
    • setPatientGender

      public void setPatientGender(String gender)
      set the patient gender to the provided value ("M", "F", or "U")
      gender - gender values ("M", "F", or "U")
    • setPatientMaritalStatus

      public void setPatientMaritalStatus(String maritalStatus)
      Set the marital status for the patient
      maritalStatus - marital status of the patient {CWE:MaritalStatus}
    • setPatientMothersMaidenName

      public void setPatientMothersMaidenName(String family, String given, String other, String suffix, String prefix)
      sets a mother's maiden name for the patient.
      family - mothers maiden family
      given - mothers maiden given
      other - mothers maiden other
      suffix - mothers maiden suffix
      prefix - mothers maiden prefix
    • setPatientMultipleBirthIndicator

      public void setPatientMultipleBirthIndicator(boolean birthIndicator)
      sets whether there was a multiple birth.
      birthIndicator - true if multiple birth
    • setPatientMultipleBirthOrderNumber

      public void setPatientMultipleBirthOrderNumber(int birthNumber)
      sets the birth order number to the provided value
      birthNumber - birth order number
    • setPatientReligiousAffiliation

      public void setPatientReligiousAffiliation(String religiousAffiliation)
      sets the religious affiliation for the patient
      religiousAffiliation - CWE:ReligiousAffiliation
    • setPatientVeryImportantPerson

      public void setPatientVeryImportantPerson(String code)
      sets the patient very important person code
      code - patient vip code CWE:PatientImportance}
    • setScopingOrganization

      public void setScopingOrganization(String organizationOID, String organizationName, String telecomValue)
      sets the scoping organization for the patient
      organizationOID - oid of the organization
      organizationName - organization name
      telecomValue - contact telecom value of the organization