Class GetDocumentsQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GetDocumentsQuery extends AbstractStoredQuery
Represents a query to get XDS documents by their document IDs
  • Constructor Details

    • GetDocumentsQuery

      public GetDocumentsQuery(List<String> docIds, boolean isUUID)
      Creates the query
      docIds - list of ids of the documents (either uniqueId or entryUUID)
      isUUID - set to true if docID is the entryUUID (internal registry identifier) of the document and set to false if it is the uniqueID (external to registry) of the document. In most user cases, this should be set to false
    • GetDocumentsQuery

      public GetDocumentsQuery(List<String> docIds, boolean isUUID, String homeCommunityId)
      docIds - list of ids of the documents (either uniqueId or entryUUID)
      isUUID - isUUID set to true if docID is the entryUUID (internal registry identifier) of the document and set to false if it is the uniqueID (external to registry) of the document. In most user cases, this should be set to false
      homeCommunityId - this is the id of the home community as specified by the XCA profile. Value may be null or empty, in which case it is not added to the query.