Interface HtmlToPdfAConverter

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface HtmlToPdfAConverter
Functional interface of an HTML-to-PDF/A converter.
Quentin Ligier
  • Method Details

    • convert

      byte[] convert(String subject, String author, String description, String title, NarrativeLanguage lang, Map<String,String> bookmarks, String cssContent, String bodyContent) throws Exception
      Converts the HTML content to its PDF/A representation.
      subject - The document subject. It's inserted in a <meta name="subject"> tag.
      author - The document author. It's inserted in a <meta name="author"> tag.
      description - The document description. It's inserted in a <meta name="description"> tag.
      title - The document title.
      lang - The document language, as an ISO code.
      bookmarks - A list of bookmarks to interesting parts of the document. The keys are labels that are shown to the user, the values are HTML ID references (starting with '#').
      cssContent - The CSS content to inject.
      bodyContent - The HTML content to convert. It will be inserted in a <body> tag.
      The content of the generated PDF/A.
      Exception - it may throw any exception.