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This file collects links to integration tests for the basic transaction to quick start.

PIX Query

Used to interchange the local patient id with the global patient id used in the community incl. additional id’s, i.e. the EPR-SPID. You can use PixV3QueryTest to start with.

Registry Stored Query

Used to find Document Metadata which include the data required to retrieve a document. Use the ConvenienceCommunicationQueryDocumentsTest to start with.

Retrieve Documents

Used to retrieve a document (as binary) from a repository. Use the ConvenienceCommunicationRetrieveDocumentsTest to start.

Provide and Register Documents

Used to store a set of documents to a repository and register the document metadata. Use ConvenienceCommunicationSubmitDocumentTest to start.

ATNA Logging

ATNA Logs should be written automatically when calling the transaction. A test for this is the ConvenienceMasterPatientIndexV3AtnaAuditTest.

Get X-User Assertion

XUA (short for X User Assertion) defines to transactions. While the first is just adding the Assertion to the SOAP security header, the second is a transaction to exchange the Identity Assertion retrieved from the IdP to the X-User Assertion required for authorization. A test for the latter is the XuaClientTest.