All Classes and Interfaces

Original ART-DECOR template id:
Abstract Class implelementing the common methods for AssertionBasedRequests. Abstrakte Klasse welche die gemeinsamen methoden für AssertionBasedRequests implementiert
Abstract implementation class of Interface ClientConfig Abstrakte implementations Klasse des Interfaces ClientConfig
Abstract implementation class with the common methods and fields.
Abstract class implementing common methods for the concrete IdpClient implementations. Abstrakte Klasse die die gemeinsamen Methoden für die konkreten IdpClient Implementationen implementiert.
Abstract class implementing common methods for the concrete IdpClient implementations. Abstrakte Klasse die die gemeinsamen Methoden für die konkreten IdpClient Implementationen implementiert.
Abstract implementation class with the common methods and fields.
Abstract Class implementing a soap client based on httpclient. Abstrakte Klasse welche einen SOAP Client implementiert auf Basis von Httpclient.
Represents a convenience stored query object
Abstract class implementing the generic functions for all validators. Abstrakte Klasse implementiert alle generischen Funktionen für die Validatoren.
Java-Klasse für ActClassControlAct.
Java-Klasse für ActClassEntry.
Java-Klasse für ActClassExtract.
Java-Klasse für ActClassFinancialContract.
Java-Klasse für ActClassInvoiceElement.
Java-Klasse für ActClassObservationSeries.
Java-Klasse für ActClassOrganizer.
Java-Klasse für ActClassPublicHealthCase.
Java-Klasse für ActClassROI.
Java-Klasse für ActClassSupply.
Java-Klasse für ActClinicalDocument.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Obligation building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um Obligation bilden zu können.
Enumeration of ActivePharmaceuticalIngredient values
Java-Klasse für ActMoodDefinition.
Java-Klasse für ActMoodEventOccurrence.
Java-Klasse für ActMoodGoal.
Java-Klasse für ActMoodIntent.
Java-Klasse für ActMoodPredicate.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipCostTracking.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipExcerpt.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipFulfills.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipHasComponent.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipObjective.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipPosting.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipReason.
Java-Klasse für ActRelationshipReplacement.
Enumeration of ActStatus values
Enumeration of ActStatusCompleted values
Enumeration of ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode values
Mailing and home or office addresses.
Java-Klasse für AdditionalLocator.
Describing the methods of the AddPolicyRequest Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des AddPolicyRequest Interfaces
Builder class for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Builder Klasse für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Implementing class of OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest interface. Implementierende Klasse des OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest Interfaces.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
The class Address contains all necessary fields for a postal address.
This class provides the basic information for a postal address according to the HL7 address entity.
Builder to build AddressBaseType.
Enumeration of AdministrativeGender values
A character string that may have a type-tag signifying its role in the address.
Java-Klasse für adxp.additionalLocator complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.buildingNumberSuffix complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.careOf complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.censusTract complex type.
Java-Klasse für complex type.
Java-Klasse für complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.county complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.delimiter complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryAddressLine complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryInstallationArea complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryInstallationQualifier complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryInstallationType complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryMode complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.deliveryModeIdentifier complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.direction complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.houseNumber complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.houseNumberNumeric complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.postalCode complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.postBox complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.precinct complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.state complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.streetAddressLine complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.streetName complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.streetNameBase complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.streetNameType complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.unitID complex type.
Java-Klasse für adxp.unitType complex type.
The Class AffinityDomain represents the configuration of an IHE Affinity Domain.
Enumeration of EprAgentRole values
Enumeration of EprAgentRole values
Enumeration of EprAgentRole values
Enumeration of EprAgentRole values
Java-Klasse für all.InfrastructureRoot.templateId complex type.
Java-Klasse für all.InfrastructureRoot.typeId complex type.
An amount quantity over a duration.
A physical quantity (PQ, QTY) with a unit of presentation.
Defines the basic properties of every data value.
The BooleanNonNull type is used where a Boolean cannot have a null value.
Java-Klasse für ApplicationMediaType.
Interface describing the methods of AppliesTo. Interface welches die Methoden für AppliesTo beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the AppliesTo builder. Interface welches die Methoden des AppliesTo Builders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interfaces AppliesToBuilder and SecurityObjectBuilder. Die Klasse implementiert die entsprechenden Interfaces AppliesToBuilder und SecurityObjectBuilder.
Implementation class of Interface AppliesTo Implementations Klasse von Interface AppliesTo
Interface describing the methods of ArtifactResolve.
Interface describing the methods of the AssertionBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Assertion building.
Interface describing the ArtifactResolve methods. Interface welches die ArtifactResolve Methoden beschreibt.
Implementation class of Serializer<ArtifactResolve>.
Interface describing the methods of ArtifactResponse.
Interface describing the methods of the ResponseBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des ResponseBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<ArtifactResponse>.
Interface describing the Methods for the validation of ArtifactResponse. Interface welches die Methoden für die Validierung von ArtifactResponse beschreibt.
Implementation class of ArtifactResponseValidator Implementations Klasse von ArtifactResponseValidator
Java-Klasse für AskedButUnknown.
Describing the methods of the AssertionBasedRequest Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des AssertionBasedRequest Interfaces
Describing the methods of the AssertionBasedRequestBuilder Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des AssertionBasedRequestBuilder Interfaces
Interface describing the methods of the AssertionBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Assertion building.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Assertion>.
Implementation class of Interface Assertion
Implementation class of Serializer<Assertion>.
Interface describing the Methods for the validation of Assertions. Interface welches die Methoden für die Validierung von Assertions beschreibt.
Implementation class of AssertionValidator Implementations Klasse von AssertionValidator
atcdabbr_entry_EingebettetesObjektEntry Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 11:13:27
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ExpositionsrisikoProblem Identifier:
Effective date: 2022-01-26 16:08:41
Version: 1.1.0+20220127
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ExpositionsrisikoProblemConcern Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-29 13:52:30
Version: 1.0.2+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_externalDocument Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 12:43:40
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_Immunization Identifier:
Effective date: 2022-01-25 14:21:09
Version: 1.3.0+20220127
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ImmunizationBillability Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 12:46:42
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ImmunizationImpfungNichtAngegeben Identifier:
Effective date: 2021‑10‑28 13:24:48
Version: 1.0.1+20210512
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ImmunizationTarget Identifier:
Effective date: 2021‑10‑28 13:49:14
Version: 1.0.1+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_ImmunizationTarget Identifier:
Effective date: 2021‑10‑28 13:49:14
Version: 1.0.1+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_impfPlan Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 12:47:27
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_entry_Zusatzklassifikation Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-05-19 15:05:17
Version: 1.0.1+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_Authenticator Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:25:00
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_Author Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-08-24 08:35:56
Version: 1.0.2+20211213
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_ComponentOfEncompassingEncounter Identifier:
Effective date: 2019-03-07 10:44:49
Version: 2019
Status: draft
atcdabbr_header_Custodian Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-13 14:05:15
Version: 1.0.1+20211213
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_Data_Enterer Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:33:56
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentationOfServiceEvent_eImpfpass Identifier:
Effective date: 2019-08-08 12:42:14
Version: 2019
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentConfidentialityCode Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:39:30
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentEffectiveTime Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:35:26
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentLanguage Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:36:53
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentRealm Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:44:57
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentReplacementRelatedDocument Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:42:15
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 10:57:14
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_EncounterLocation Identifier:
Effective date: 2019-03-07 11:13:21
Version: 2019
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_LegalAuthenticator Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 11:10:59
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_header_RecordTarget_eImpfpass Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-04-29 10:16:25
Version: 1.0.1+20210512
Status: active
Enumeration of atcdabbr_LanguageCode values
Enumeration of atcdabbr_LanguageCode values
atcdabbr_other_AddressCompilation Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 13:05:47
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_AddressCompilationMinimal Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:44:14
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntity Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-05-26 13:50:41
Version: 1.0.1+20210526
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityBody Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-05-26 14:04:21
Version: 1.0.1+20210526
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_AuthorBody Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 13:12:19
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_AuthorBody_eImpfpass Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 13:12:25
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_DeviceCompilation Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:57:36
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_InformantBody Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-04 08:03:25
Version: 1.0.1+20211213
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithIdName Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:57:53
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrMinimal Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 13:58:02
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBody Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 14:00:23
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBodyAuthorizedEditor Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-12-03 12:35:40
Version: 1.0.0+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBodyTranscriber Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-08-04 15:41:13
Version: 1.1.0+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBodyVerifier Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-08-04 12:28:20
Version: 1.0.0+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_PerformerBody Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 13:36:15
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_PerformerBodyImpfendePerson Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-13 12:53:37
Version: 1.0.2+20220103
Status: active
Original ART-DECOR template id:
atcdabbr_other_TimeIntervalInformationMinimal Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 14:02:29
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_vaccineProduct Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-01 13:21:55
Version: 1.0.1+20220103
Status: active
atcdabbr_other_vaccineProductNichtAngegeben Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 13:35:13
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabbr_section_Beilagen Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 11:22:40
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabbr_section_Uebersetzung Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-06-28 11:28:05
Version: 1.0.1+20210628
Status: active
atcdabrr_other_NarrativeTextReference Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-05-06 09:38:20
Version: 1.0.1+20210512
Status: active
atcdabrr_section_ExpositionsrisikoPersonengruppenKodiert Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 11:44:30
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
atcdabrr_section_ImpfempfehlungenKodiert Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-08-26 15:09:41
Version: 1.0.1+20220103
Status: active
atcdabrr_section_ImpfungenKodiert Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-02-19 11:46:43
Version: 1.0.0+20210219
Status: active
The Class AtnaConfig.
ATNA configuration mode (secure or unsecure)
Interface describing the methods of Attribute.
Interface describing the methods of the AttributeBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Attribute building.
Implementation class of Attribute Implementations Klasse von Attribute
Implementation class of Serializer<Attribute>.
Interface describing the methods of AttributeValue.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AttributeValueType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AttributeValueType bilden zu können.
Interface describing the methods of Audience.
Interface describing the methods of the AudienceBuilder.
Interface describing the methods of AudienceRestriction.
Interface describing the methods of the AudienceRestrictionBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AudienceRestrictio building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AudienceRestrictio bilden zu können.
Implementation class of AudienceRestriction Implementations Klasse von AudienceRestriction
Java-Klasse für AudioMediaType.
Enumeration of EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType values
Enumeration of EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType values
Enumeration of EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType values
Enumeration of EprAuditTrailConsumptionEventType values
Describing the methods of the Authentication Module Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des Authentication Module Interfaces
Interface describing the methods of AuthnRequest.
Interface describing the AuthnRequest builder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des AuthnRequest Builders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for authnrequest building.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<AuthnRequest>.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AuthnRequest. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface AuthnRequest.
Implementation class of Serializer<AuthnRequest>.
Interface describing the methods of AuthnStatement.
Interface describing the methods of the AuthnStatementBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AuthnStatement building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AuthnStatements bilden zu können.
Implementation class of AuthnStatement Implementations Klasse von AuthnStatement
An author in the CH-EMED-EPR IG.
The Austrian derivation of an Author.
The Swis derivation of an Author (adds features for GLN).
The Class AuthoringDevice.
Enumeration of values
Enumeration of values
Enumeration of values
Enumeration of values
Dieses Attribut ist ein beschreibendes Sub-Attribut von „author und dient der Beschreibung der Medizinischen Fachrichtung der Person, welche ein Dokument verfasst hat.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.authorSpeciality values
Document availability status.
Interface describing the basic methods. Interface welches die Basis Methoden beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the BaseBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des BaseBuilders beschreibt.
Describing the methods of the BasePolicyAdministration Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des BasePolicyAdministration Interfaces
Baseclass for requests.
Baseclass for XML responses from the webservice.
Base Serializer for OpenSaml objects.
Abstract implementation class of Interface SoapClientConfig Abstrakte Implementations Klasse des Interfaces SoapClientConfig
Binary data is a raw block of bits.
Java-Klasse für BinaryDataEncoding.
The Boolean type stands for the values of two-valued logic.
The BooleanNonNull type is used where a Boolean cannot have a null value.
Class implementing the BuildException. Klasse implemetiert die BuildException.
Java-Klasse für BuildingNumber.
Java-Klasse für BXIT_CD complex type.
Java-Klasse für BXIT_IVL_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für CalendarCycleOneLetter.
A concept descriptor represents any kind of concept usually by giving a code defined in a code system.
This class provides a marshaller implementation to convert CDA-ELGA documents to their XML representation.
This class provides an unmarshaller implementation to read CDA-ELGA clinical documents from their XML representation.
Extracts XDS Document Entry Metadata from generic CDA R2 document
Coded data, consists of a coded value (CV) and, optionally, coded value(s) from other coding systems that identify the same concept.
Definitions for the Swiss extensions of the CMPD transactions defined in this module.
An adapter for the CHCoreAddress datatype.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-Core PatientEPR.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Compositions.
The 'vital signs' section.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR DIS Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR MTP Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PADV Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PML Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PMLC Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PRE Composition.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Device.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Document Bundles.
Interface defining common methods for all the resources having an authorDocument element.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR DIS Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR MTP Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PADV Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PML Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PMLC Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for the CH-EMED-EPR PRE Document Bundle.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Dosage.
An interface for entries of CH-EMED-EPR documents.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Medication.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Medication (DIS).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationDispense.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationDispense (DIS).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationDispense (PML).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationIngredient.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationRequest.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationRequest (PML).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationRequest (PRE).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationStatement.
The HAPI custom structure for CH EMED MedicationStatement Changed (PADV).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationStatement (MTP).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationStatement (PML).
Base class for PML and PMLC medication statements with common behaviour.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR MedicationStatement (PMLC).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Observation.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Body Weight Observation.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Observation (PADV).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Observation (PML).
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Organization.
A parser for the FHIR CH-EMED-EPR IG resources.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Patient.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR Practitioner.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR PractitionerRole.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-EPR RelatedPerson.
A CH-EMED-EPR validator.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Ext Dispense.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Extension.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Ext PharmaceuticalAdvice.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Ext Prescription.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-Ext TreatmentPlan.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED Organization.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-QuantityWithEmedUnits.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-RangeWithEmedUnits.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EMED-RatioWithEmedUnits.
Enumeration of CH-EMED-TimingEvent values
Some constants in use in the CH-EPR environment.
Parameter keys used to store and retrieve dynamic parameters within a ValidationContext while using the ChEprAssertionValidator.
A component capable of performing core validation of SAML version 2.0 Assertion instances in use in the CH-EPR domain.
Validator used to validate Statements within a given Assertion in the CH-EPR context.
Validator of the CH-EPR AudienceRestriction Condition.
Validator of the CH-EPR DelegationRestrictionType Condition.
Validator that confirms the Subject of the issuer by evaluating the SubjectConfirmations within that subject.
The result of a CH:EPR XUA SAML token validation.
XUA specifications in the CH-EPR context.
The HAPI custom structure for CH-EXT-EPR DataEnterer.
Represents a stored query for FindDispensesQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindDispensesQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationAdministrationsQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindMedicationAdministrationsQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationCardQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindMedicationCardQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationListQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindMedicationListQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindMedicationTreatmentPlansQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindMedicationTreatmentPlansQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsForDispenseQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindPrescriptionsForDispenseQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsForValidationQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindPrescriptionsForValidationQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Represents a stored query for FindPrescriptionsQuery (CH:PHARM-1).
Transforms between ChFindPrescriptionsQuery and EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Definitions for the Swiss extensions of the MHD transactions defined in this module.
The Camel component for the CH:PHARM-1 transaction.
Camel type converters for CH:PHARM-1.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Provides the CH:PHARM-1 web-service interface.
All possible query types.
Validates a CH:PHARM-1 EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Service implementation for the CH:PHARM-1 transaction (Query Pharmacy Documents).
Validating processors for ebXML 3.0-based CH:PHARM-1 transaction.
Generic Audit Strategy for CH:PHARM-5 query transactions
Request factory for CH:PHARM-5 requests.
The Camel component for the CH:PHARM-5 transaction.
FHIR endpoint for CH:PHARM-5.
The different operations of CMPD CH:PHARM-5 transaction.
Static configuration for FHIR CH:PHARM-5 transaction components
Base class for Pharmacy Documents Queries (CH:PHARM-1).
Visitor interface used for this class to implement the visitor pattern.
Base transformations for all CH:PHARM-1 queries.
Abstract stored query for CH:PHARM-1 stable documents queries.
Base transformations for all stable-documents CH:PHARM-1 queries.
Request object for the Query Registry and Registry Stored Query transactions.
Transforms between a ChQueryRegistry and an EbXMLAdhocQueryRequest.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode values
Dieser Code definiert die Klasse des Dokumentes und richtet sich nach der CEN 13606 Norm.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode_DocumentEntry.typeCode_mapping values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode_DocumentEntry.typeCode_mapping values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode_DocumentEntry.typeCode_mapping values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.classCode_DocumentEntry.typeCode_mapping values
Interface describing the methods of client configuration. Interface welches die Methoden für die Client Konfiguration beschreibt.
Interface describing the ClientConfigBuilder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des ClientConfigBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the factory to instantiate correct clients according to the configuration. Klasse welche die Factory implementiert um Client Instanzen entsprechend der Konfiguration zu erstellen.
Class implementing the factory to instantiate correct clients according to the configuration for CH implementations.
Class implementing ClientSendException. Klasse welche die ClientSendException implementiert.
Coded data, where the domain from which the codeset comes is ordered.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Agency complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Approval complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Author complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Characteristic complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Content complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Country complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.DistributedProduct complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Holder complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Ingredient complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.ManufacturedProduct complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Manufacturer complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Medication complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Medicine complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.MedicineClass complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.MedicineManufacturer complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.ObservationGoal complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.PackagedMedicine complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Part complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Policy complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.RelatedManufacturer complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Role complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.SpecializedKind complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.SubContent complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.SubIngredient complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject1 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject11 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject14 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject15 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject16 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject2 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject22 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject25 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject3 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject4 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Subject7 complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.Substance complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.SubstanceManufacturer complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.SuperContent complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT230100UV.TerritorialAuthority complex type.
Java-Klasse für COCT_MT440001UV09.ValuedItem complex type.
The class Code contains all necessary fields for a coded element.
This class provides the basic information for a code according to HL7.
Builder to build CodeBaseType.
Class extending the abstract class AbstractXMLObjectBuilder with type OpenSaml XMLObject (CE). Die Klasse erweitert die abstrakte Klasse AbstractXMLObjectBuilder mit typ OpenSaml XMLObject (CE).
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSaml PurposeOfUse. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSaml PurposeOfUse.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSaml PurposeOfUse. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSaml PurposeOfUse.
Query parameter validation for parameters that are Code-based and bound to a value set.
Bekannte und häufig gebrauchte Identifikationsdomänen Global Location Number (GLN): Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): 1.3.160
Bekannte und häufig gebrauchte Identifikationsdomänen Global Location Number (GLN): Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): 1.3.160
Utility for color profiles.
Java-Klasse für CommunicationFunctionType.
Java-Klasse für CompressionAlgorithm.
Interface describing the Condition methods. Interface welches die Condition Methoden beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the ConditionBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des ConditionBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Condition building.
Implementation class of Condition Implementations Klasse von Condition
Interface describing the Conditions methods. Interface welches die Conditions Methoden beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the ConditionsBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des ConditionsBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Condition building.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Condition building.
The Enum ConfidentialityCode contains the codes of the HL7 Vocabulary.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.confidentialityCode values
The Enum ConfidentialityCode contains the codes of the HL7 Vocabulary.
Dieser Code definiert die Vertraulichkeitsstufe des XDS Dokuments.
Exception in case the value set configuration is invalid.
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.contentTypeCode values
Java-Klasse für ContextControlAdditive.
Java-Klasse für ContextControlNonPropagating.
Java-Klasse für ContextControlOverriding.
Java-Klasse für ContextControlPropagating.
The ConvenienceCommunication class provides a convenience API for transactions to different destinations such as registries and repositories over media.

It implements the following IHE actors: IHE ITI Document Consumer IHE ITI Document Source IHE ITI Portable Media Creator IHE ITI Portable Media Importer
It implements the following IHE transactions: [ITI-18] Registry Stored Query [ITI-32] Distribute Document Set on Media [ITI-41] Provide and Register Document Set – b [ITI-43] Retrieve Document Set
Implementation of ch specific convenience communication
Implementation of ch specific convenience communication
ConvenienceMasterPatientIndexV3 ConvenienceMasterPatientIndexV3 implements the Actor Patient Identity Source from ITI-44 Patient Identity Feed HL7 V3, the Actor Patient Identifier Cross-reference Consumer from ITI-45 PIXV3 Query and as well as the ITI-47 PDQ Consumer to communicate with an MPI.
Class implementing the interface ConvenienceUserAccessAuthentication for CH.
Class implementing the interface ConvenienceUserAccessAuthentication. Klasse die das Interface ConvenienceUserAccessAuthentication implementiert.
Util class to make conversions between Husky, Fhir and Gazelle model classes easy.
Utilities for the converter between XDS SubmissionSet and the equivalent MHD resource.
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 Country Code
A concept qualifier code with optionally named role.
Coded data, consists of a code, display name, code system, and original text.
Java-Klasse für Currency.
The Class CustomizedYaml is just used internally in order to simplify and harmonize YAML dumps and loads.
Coded data, consists of a code, display name, code system, and original text.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Function building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um Function bilden zu können.
This class represents a date and time range
Represents the XDS metadata attributes, which are related to DateTimeRanges
Helper utilities related to HL7 DateTime (DTM) resources.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Describing the methods of the DeletePolicyRequest Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des DeletePolicyRequest Interfaces
Builder class for OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest. Builder Klasse für OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest.
Implementing class of OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest interface. Implementierende Klasse des OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest Interfaces.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSamlDeletePolicyRequest.
Enumeration of EprDeletionStatus values
Enumeration of EprDeletionStatus values
Enumeration of EprDeletionStatus values
Enumeration of EprDeletionStatus values
Java-Klasse für DeliveryAddressLine.
Class implementing the DeserializeException. Klasse implemetiert die DeserializeException.
Typed interface describing the methods for deserializing elements. Interface welches die Methoden für das Deserialisieren von Elemente beschreibt.
Designations are language dependent display names for the code.
Builder to build Designation.
The Class DesignationType.
The Class Destination.
Enumeration of DispenseSupplyType values
The Class DocumentAndMetadata represents a Document together with the Document Metadata
A converter between XDS' DocumentEntry and MHD's DocumentReference.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.languageCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.languageCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.languageCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.languageCode values
Provides metadata attributes as specified in [IHE ITI TF-3], Table 4.1-5: Document Metadata
The Class MetadataExtractionMode
Exception in case when no document found
Represents request information for one Document
A dosage instruction for an intake.
The different types of dosage structures supported by this module.
A medication dose, either as an amount or as a range.
A time quantity (duration).
Data that is primarily intended for human interpretation or for further machine processing is outside the scope of HL7.
A model of the effective dosage, resolved from a list of FHIR Dosages.
Enum that contains the different Versions of the eHealtConnector and husky
Enumeration of eImpf_Antikoerperbestimmung_VS values
eimpf_document_KompletterImmunisierungsstatus Identifier:
Effective date: 2022-01-25 12:13:30
Version: 1.3.0+20220127
Status: active
eimpf_document_UpdateImmunisierungsstatus Identifier:
Effective date: 2022-01-25 12:15:38
Version: 1.3.0+20220127
Status: active
eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungBatteryOrganizer Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-08-20 11:38:23
Version: 1.1.1+20220103
Status: active
eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungDataProcessing Identifier:
Effective date: 2021-10-29 13:45:50
Version: 1.1.1+20220103
Status: active
eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungLaboratoryObservation Identifier:
Effective date: 2022‑01‑26 15:53:38
Version: 1.2.0+20220127
Status: active
eimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenProblemConcern Identifier:
Effective date: 2021‑10‑29 14:14:14
Version: 1.1.2+20220103
Status: active
eimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungProblemEntry Identifier:
Effective date: 2022‑01‑25 14:24:26
Version: 1.1.0+20220127
Status: active
Enumeration of eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_HistorischeImpfstoffe_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_ImmunizationTarget_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfdosis_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfdosis_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfgrund_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfgrund_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfrollen_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfrollen_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfrollen_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfschema_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfschema_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfstoffe_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfstoffe_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Impfstoffe_VS values
eimpf_section_AntikoerperBestimmungKodiert Identifier:
Effective date: 2019-04-12 16:06:34
Version: 2019
Status: active
eimpf_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen Identifier:
Effective date: 2019-05-20 08:20:55
Version: 2019
Status: active
Enumeration of eImpf_SpecialCaseVaccination_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_SpecialSituationIndication_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_VS values
Enumeration of eImpf_Zusatzklassifikation_VS values
A code for a common (periodical) activity of daily living based on which the event related periodic interval is specified.
Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition.
Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition.
Enumeration of ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies values
Enumeration of ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownDevices values
Enumeration of ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownMedication values
Enumeration of ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProblems values
Enumeration of ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProcedures values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActCode_AbgInfo values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActCode_AbgInfo values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActCode_PatInfo values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActCode_PatInfo values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActEncounterCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActEncounterCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_ActEncounterCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_AdministrativeGender values
Enumeration of ELGA_AdministrativeGender values
Enumeration of ELGA_AdministrativeGender values
Enumeration of ELGA_AdministrativeGender values
Enumeration of ELGA_AdministrativeGender values
Enumeration of ELGA_AlcoholConsumption values
Enumeration of ELGA_AllergyOrIntolerance values
Enumeration of ELGA_AllergyReaction values
Enumeration of ELGA_AllergyStatusCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_AuthorSpeciality values
Enumeration of ELGA_AuthorSpeciality values
Enumeration of ELGA_AuthorSpeciality values
Enumeration of ELGA_AuthorSpeciality values
Enumeration of ELGA_AuthorSpeciality values
Enumeration of ELGA_ConditionStatusCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_ConditionVerificationStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_CriticalityObservationValue values
Enumeration of ELGA_CurrentSmokingStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_Diagnosesicherheit values
Enumeration of ELGA_Einnahmezeitpunkte values
Enumeration of ELGA_Einnahmezeitpunkte values
Enumeration of ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_ExpectedDeliveryDateMethod values
ELGAExternalDocument Identifier:
Effective date: 2017-08-09 10:55:40
Version: 0.1
Status: draft
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanActSite values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanActSite values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanLanguage values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanLanguage values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanLanguage values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanLanguage values
Enumeration of ELGA_HumanLanguage values
Enumeration of ELGA_InformationRecipientType values
Enumeration of ELGA_InformationRecipientType values
Enumeration of ELGA_InsuredAssocEntity values
Enumeration of ELGA_InsuredAssocEntity values
Enumeration of ELGA_Laborstruktur values
Enumeration of ELGA_Laborstruktur values
Enumeration of ELGA_LanguageAbilityMode values
Enumeration of ELGA_LanguageAbilityMode values
Enumeration of ELGA_MaritalStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_MaritalStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_MaritalStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_MaritalStatus values
ELGAMedicalDevice Identifier:
Effective date: 2017-02-26 11:17:52
Version: 0.1
Status: draft
Enumeration of ELGA_MedicalDevices values
ELGAMedicationStatement Identifier:
Effective date: 2018-10-18 11:16:13
Version: 0.1
Status: draft
Enumeration of ELGA_Medientyp values
Enumeration of ELGA_Medientyp values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationAbgabeArt values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationAbgabeArt values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationFrequenz values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationFrequenz values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenart values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenart_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenart_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationMengenart_VS values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungStatus values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationRezeptart values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationTherapieArt values
Enumeration of ELGA_MedikationTherapieArt values
Enumeration of ELGA_ObservationInterpretation values
Enumeration of ELGA_ObservationInterpretation values
no designation found for language ENGLISH no designation found for language GERMAN no designation found for language FRENCH no designation found for language ITALIAN
Enumeration of ELGA_ObservationInterpretation values
Original ART-DECOR template id: Template description:
Enumeration of ELGA_PersonalRelationship values
Enumeration of ELGA_PersonalRelationship values
Enumeration of ELGA_PersonalRelationship values
Enumeration of ELGA_PregnanciesSummary values
Enumeration of ELGA_Problemarten values
Enumeration of ELGA_Problems values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProblemSeverity values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProcedureApproachSite values
Enumeration of ELGA_Procedures values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProceduresMethod values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProcedureTargetSite values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProficiencyLevelCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_ProficiencyLevelCode values
Enumeration of ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation values
Enumeration of ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation values
Enumeration of ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation values
Enumeration of ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation values
Enumeration of ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer values
Enumeration of ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer values
Enumeration of ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer values
Enumeration of ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer values
Enumeration of ELGA_ServiceEventsLabor values
Enumeration of ELGA_SignificantPathogens values
Enumeration of ELGA_SignificantPathogens values
Enumeration of ELGA_SpecimenType values
Enumeration of the different kind of eMedication documents (CDA or FHIR).
Enumeration of the different kind of CDA-CH-EMED item entries.
Enumeration of the different kind of CDA-CH-EMED PADV item entries.
A reference to an eMedication document and/or entry.
Original ART-DECOR template id:
Enumeration of ems_lebensmittelbedingte_intoxikationen_vs values
A name for a person, organization, place or thing.
Interface describing the methods of the EncryptedAssertion. Interface welches die Methoden der EncryptedAssertion beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the ConditionBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des ConditionBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for EncryptedAssertion building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um EncryptedAssertions bilden zu können.
Implementation class of EncryptedAssertion Implementations Klasse von EncryptedAssertion
Implementation class of Serializer<Assertion>.
Java-Klasse für en.delimiter complex type.
Java-Klasse für complex type.
Java-Klasse für en.given complex type.
Java-Klasse für en.prefix complex type.
Java-Klasse für en.suffix complex type.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassContainer.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassDevice.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassNonPersonLivingSubject.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassPlace.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassPublicInstitution.
Java-Klasse für EntityClassState.
Enumeration of EntityCode values
Java-Klasse für EntityDeterminerDetermined.
Java-Klasse für EntityDeterminerSpecific.
Java-Klasse für EntityNameSearchUse.
Enumeration of ELGA_EntityNameUse values
A character string token representing a part of a name.
Enumeration of epims_EMSMaterial values
Enumeration of epims_EMSTaetigkeitsbereich values
Enumeration of epims_krankheitsmerkmale values
Enumeration of epims_materialMethod values
Enumeration of epims_meldepflichtigeKrankheiten values
Enumeration of epims_Reiseland values
Enumeration of epims_vs_betreuung values
Enumeration of epims_VS_hospitalisierung values
Enumeration of epims_VS_Impfstatus values
Enumeration of epims_VS_KlinischeManifestation values
Implementation class of Interface XUserAssertionRequest and SecurityObject Implementations Klasse von Interface XUserAssertionRequest und SecurityObject
Describing the methods of the EprPolicyRepositoryResponse Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des EprPolicyRepositoryResponse Interfaces
Describing the methods of the EprPolicyRepositoryResponseBuilder Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des EprPolicyRepositoryResponseBuilder Interfaces
Builder class for OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse. Builder Klasse für OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse.
Implementing class of OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse interface. Implementierende Klasse des OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse Interfaces.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSamlEpdPolicyRepositoryResponse.
An implementation of ErrorHandler that puts the exceptions into a XmlSchemaReport.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.eventCodeList values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.eventCodeList values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.eventCodeList values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.eventCodeList values
An annotation that indicates the method expects the FHIR resource to be valid regarding the relevant IG.
This class is an implementation of IValidationSupport that fakes validation of codes.
Supports the FHIR to eHC conversion for EDES CTNN documents
The class EdesCtnnDocument is a derived FHIR resource containing all information of an Emergency Department Encounter Summary document based on a Composite Triage and Nursing Note corresponding to the CDA-CH-EDES specification
Supports the FHIR to eHC conversion for CDA-CH-LRPH documents
Type of the FHIR resource to define whether the resulting CDA document contains full or masked patient demographics
The class FhirCdaChLrph is a derived FHIR resource containing all information of an LRPH document corresponding to the CDA-CH-LRPH specification
Type of the FHIR resource to define whether the resulting CDA document contains full or masked patient demographics
The class VacdDocument is a derived FHIR resource containing all information of an immunization document corresponding to the CDA-CH-VACD specification
Common material for Fhir package
Helper utilities related to FHIR DateTime resources, based on DateTimes.
The Class FhirPatient.
Constants for the common FHIR systems.
FhirXdTransaction supports the creation of destination and submission-set including documents from a HL7 FHIR Resource.
The class Transaction is a derived FHIR resource containing all information about destination and submission-set including documents for a transaction (e.g.
An implementation of a syslog sender that stores messages in a size-limited FIFO queue.
File handling utilities
Represents a query to find documents in an XDS Registry (XDS FindDocumentsQuery).
Represents a query to find documents in an XDS Registry (XDS FindDocumentsQuery)
Represents a query to find documents in an XDS Registry (XDS FindDocumentsQuery).
Represents a query to find XDS folders
Class FolderMetadata.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.formatCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.formatCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.formatCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.formatCode values
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Function building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um Function bilden zu können.
Class implementing function:interactedPreviously
Address uses that can apply to both postal and telecommunication addresses.
Interface describing the generic Methods for the validation of Assertions. Interface welches die generischen Methoden für die Validierung von Assertions beschreibt.
Represents a query to get XDS documents by their document IDs
Represents a query to get folders and its contents (associations, documents) from an XDS Registry.
Represents a query to get folders and its contents (associations, documents) from an XDS Registry.
Represents a query to get folders and its contents (associations, documents) from an XDS Registry.
Represents a query to get documents, which are associated with a given document from an XDS Registry
Java-Klasse für GLIST_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für GLIST_TS complex type.
Helpers related to GLNs.
Java-Klasse für hasSupport.
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfession values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfession values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfession values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfession values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfessionSpecialisationMap values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfessionSpecialisationMap values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfessionSpecialisationMap values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcProfessionSpecialisationMap values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation values
Enumeration of HCProfessional.hcSpecialisation values
Class implementing the internface SOAPHandler to add an assertion to securityheader. Klasse die das Interface SOAPHandler implementiert um einer Message eine Assertion dem Security Header hinzuzufügen.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.healthcareFacilityTypeCode values
Dieser Code beschreibt den Typ der Gesundheitseinrichtung, in der das Dokument während des Behandlungsprozesses erstellt wurde.
HL7 timestamps (data type DTM) with particular precision, normalized to UTC.
The enumeration of possible precisions.
Enumeration of HL7LanguageAbilityMode values
Enumeration of HL7LanguageAbilityMode values
Enumeration of HL7ProficiencyLevelCode values
Enumeration of HL7ProficiencyLevelCode values
Utilities for HL7 v2.5 data types.
Java-Klasse für HomeAddressUse.
Refer to the following
The class is used to create the AttributeDescription XMLType Class used for creating present OperationType
Class below is used to create the MatchingRuleAssertion XMLType Class used for creating extensibleMatch OperationType
Class responsible for creating response from AddRequest DelRequest
Class used for creating the HPD Individual Provider Attributes Refer to the following documentation for a detailed description of the mandatory fields <a href=">
Class used for creating the HPD Organizational Provider Attributes Refer to the following documentation for a detailed description of the mandatory fields <a href=">
Class used for creating the HDP Relationship Attributes Refer to the following documentation for a detailed description of the mandatory fields <a href=">
Class responsible for creating response from SearchRequest
Class used for creating the HPD library SearchRequest class
Class used for creating AttributeValueAssertion XMLType Class used for creating 4 OperationTypes e.g.
Class below is used to create the SubstringFilter XMLType Class used for creating substrings OperationType
A generator of narrative as HTML content.
Functional interface of an HTML-to-PDF/A converter.
The main service class to use when working with the EPD web services.
This class is implemented for the mid/low-level access of the EPD Services.
Java-Klasse für HXIT_CE complex type.
Java-Klasse für HXIT_PQ complex type.
The class Identificator contains all necessary fields for an id.
An identifier that uniquely identifies a thing or object.
Builder to build IdentificatorBaseType.
Helper for HAPI Identifiers.
Interface for CodeSystems
Interface describing the methods for the identity provider client. Interface welches die Methoden für den Identity Provider Client beschreibt.
Class implementing the interface ClientConfigBuilder serving as builder to create config for client with basic authentication. Klasse die das Interface ClienConfiguilder implementiert.
Implementation class of Interface IdpClientConfig Implementations Klasse von Interface IdpClientConfig
Class implementing the IdP Client starting a browser for login.. Klasse die den IdP Client für das Login mit dem Browser implementiert.
Class implementing the interface ClientConfigBuilder serving as builder to create config for client to communicate with client certificate. Klasse die das Interface ClienConfiguilder implementiert.
Implementation class of Interface IdpClientConfig Implementations Klasse von Interface IdpClientConfig
Enum for SamlRequestType
Class implementing the IdP Client with cert authentication. Klasse die den IdP Client mit Cert Authentication implementiert.
Class implementing the IdP Client using auth proxy like e.g.
Class implementing the interface ClientConfigBuilder serving as builder to create config for client to communicate with client certificate. Klasse die das Interface ClienConfiguilder implementiert.
Implementation class of Interface IdpClientCertificateAuthConfigImpl Implementations Klasse von Interface IdpClientCertificateAuthConfigImpl
Interface describing the methods of IdP Client configuration. Interface welches die Methoden für die IdP Client Konfiguration beschreibt.
Class implementing the interface ClientConfigBuilder serving as builder to create config for client to communicate via a proxy. Klasse die das Interface ClienConfiguilder implementiert.
Implementation class of Interface IdpClientViaHttpProxyConfig Implementations Klasse von Interface IdpClientViaHttpProxyConfig
Class implementing the IdP Client with basic authentication. Klasse die den IdP Client mit Basic Authentication implementiert.
Model of an IHE CX, based on an HL7 v2.5 CX.
Model of an IHE XON, based on an HL7 v2.5 XON.
An identifier that uniquely identifies a thing or object.
Java-Klasse für ImageMediaType.
Adds information to a treatment using the INDEX database
The Class IndexHtm represents the INDEX.HTM file, which is part of the contents of an XDM volume.
Exception in case the value set initialization fails.
Describing the methods of the InstanceIdentifier Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des InstanceIdentifier Interfaces
Class extending the abstract class AbstractXMLObjectBuilder with type OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier. Die Klasse erweitert die abstrakte Klasse AbstractXMLObjectBuilder mit typ OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier.
Implementation class of Interface OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier. Implementations Klasse des Interfaces OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSaml InstanceIdentifier.
Integer numbers (-1,0,1,2, 100, 3398129, etc.) are precise numbers that are results of counting and enumerating.
Java-Klasse für IntegrityCheckAlgorithm.
The Class IntendedRecipient.
Class implementing record#interaction
An exception thrown when trying to read, parse or validate an Emed content (e.g.
Exception thrown when encountering an Emed item that would put the medication treatment into an invalid state if aggregated.
Helper utilities related to I/O streams.
Represents some ISC-08 Codes (the ones currently used...
Java-Klasse für IVL_INT complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_MO complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_PPD_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_PPD_TS complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_REAL complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVL_TS complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_INT complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_MO complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_PPD_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_PPD_TS complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_REAL complex type.
Java-Klasse für IVXB_TS complex type.
template id:
A simple combination of text and its language code (used for translations in different languages)
Class implementing the DeserializeException. Klasse implemetiert die DeserializeException.
Java-Klasse für LicensedEntityRole.
ListXmlObjectHelper<T extends org.opensaml.core.xml.XMLObject>
Helper class providing methods to get filtered lists. Helferklasse welche Methoden zur Verfügung stellt um gefilterte Listen zu erhalten.
A logic validator for CH-EMED-EPR documents.
Class to log out soap messages. Klasse um die SOAP Message zu loggen.
Exception in case the value set mapping does not exist.
Convenience class MasterPatientIndexQuery adds the MpiQuery functionality for the Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) ITI-47.
The Class MasterPatientIndexQueryResponse.
A provider of images for medications.
Original ART-DECOR template id:
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.mimeType values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.mimeType values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.mimeType values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.mimeType values
A monetary amount is a quantity expressing the amount of money in some currency.
Java-Klasse für ModelMediaType.
The interface MpiQuery defines a query object which allows to add the query parameters for the patient demographics query and control the subsequent query steps (continue, cancel) when the query is batched.
The Interface MpiQueryResponse describes a generic Mpi Query Response.
Java-Klasse für MultipartMediaType.
The class Name contains all fields for different name parts such as given or family.
A name for a person, organization, place or thing.
Builder to build NameBaseType.
Java-Klasse für NamePseudonymUse.
Java-Klasse für NameRepresentationUse.
Enum NameUse. Enum NameUse. Enum NameUse.
Supported languages for the narrative generators.
A no-operation KeyInfoCredentialResolver.
Enumeration of NullFlavor values
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.ehealth_connector.emed.cda.generated.hl7cdar2 package.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Obligation building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um Obligation bilden zu können.
The Enum containing the supported ObservationInterpretation codes. Codesystem: HL7 ObservationInterpretation (OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.5.83). Domaine de valeurs pour « Code d’interprétation »
The Class ObservationRange.
Helpers related to OIDs.
A name for an organization.
The implementation of HtmlToPdfAConverter with the Open HTML to PDF converter library.
Record of a font declaration.
Implementation of a font cache.
Interface describing the generic methods of OpenSaml2Deserializer for the templated type T.
Class implementing the corresponding interface OpenSaml2Deserializer<T>.
Interface describing the generic methods of OpenSaml2Serializer for the templated type T.
Implementation class of OpenSaml2Serializer
Extending interface to integrate AddPolicyRequest interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das AddPolicyRequest Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Extending interface to integrate AssertionBasedRequest interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das AssertionBasedRequest Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Describing the methods of the CE Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des CE Interfaces
Extending interface to integrate DeletePolicyRequest interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das DeletePolicyRequest Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Extending interface to integrate EprPolicyRepositoryResponse interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das EprPolicyRepositoryResponse Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Describing the methods of the InstanceIdentifier Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des InstanceIdentifier Interfaces
Extending interface to integrate UnknownPolicySetId interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das UnknownPolicySetId Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Extending interface to integrate UpdatePolicyRequest interface to opensaml implementation. Erweiterndes Interface um das UpdatePolicyRequest Interface in OpenSAML Implementation zu integrieren.
Helper utilities related to Optionals.
The class Organization contains all necessary fields for an organization such as a company or an association.
A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action.
Builder to build OrganizationBaseType.
Java-Klasse für OrganizationNamePartQualifier.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.originalProviderRole values
Helper methods for the Husky for operating system
Java-Klasse für Other.
The Class Participant.
The Class ParticipantRole.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationAncillary.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationAuthorOriginator.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationHolder.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationIndirectTarget.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationInformationGenerator.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationInformationRecipient.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationPhysicalPerformer.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationTargetDevice.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationTargetLocation.
Java-Klasse für ParticipationTargetSubject.
Enumeration of ParticipationType values
Java-Klasse für ParticipationVerifier.
Class Patient
Validator of PDF documents to conformance level A-1 and A-2.
A request class that collects all XML elements used in the transfer and allows the setting of the values.
Mostly a copy of the V3PdqConsumerQuery class and was not reworked.
This class is designed to contain all possible search parameters when looking for patients with the webservice.
Response class that contains all XML elements which are needed for a SearchQuery response coming from the webservice and allows the setting of their values.
Moslty a copy of the V3PdqConsumerResponse and was not reworked.
This class is used to wrap the results of a PdqSearchQuery into an object.
A util class designed specifically to extract a list of FhirPatients from a PdqSearchQueryResponse.
Most code was copied over from PdqV3Query and PixPdqV3QueryBase.
PdqV3Query PdqV3Query implements the ITI-47 PDQ Consumer
A Person or Organization performing an action
Eine Person (z.B.
Java-Klasse für PersonNamePartAffixTypes.
Java-Klasse für PersonNamePartChangeQualifier.
Java-Klasse für PersonNamePartMiscQualifier.
Enumeration of PharmaceuticalDoseFormEDQM values
Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition.
Note: because this type is defined as an extension of SXCM_T, all of the attributes and elements accepted for T are also accepted by this definition.
This query class is designed to contain the properties of a Patient (more exacty: FhirPatient) that will be added to the system.
A request class that collects all XML elements used in the transfer and allows the setting of the values.
Mostly a copy of the V3PixSourceRecordAdded class and was not reworked.
Response class that contains all XML elements for a PixAddPatientQuery.
Mostly a copy of V3Acknowledgement class.
This class is designed to collect the parameters of the merge patient service call at high level and transform them into the request object, that is sent to the service.
This is the class that collects all parameters required (and optional) for querying Patient IDs when the user already knows one ID.
High level result class that contains the IDs asked for with a PixPatientIDQuery.
This class is designed to contain the properties of a Patient (closely: FhirPatient) to be updated in the system.
Request class collecting all XML elements, starting by the root.
Mostly a copy of the V3PixSourceRecordRevised earlier class.
Interface describing the methods of the PkiManager. Interface welches die Methoden des PkiManagers beschreibt.
Implementation class of PkiManager Implementations Klasse von PkiManager
The Class PlayingEntity.
A name for a person.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Act complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.AssignedAuthor complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.AssignedCustodian complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.AssignedEntity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.AssociatedEntity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Authenticator complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Author complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.AuthoringDevice complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Authorization complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Birthplace complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ClinicalDocument complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Component1 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Component2 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Component3 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Component4 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Component5 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Consent complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Consumable complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Criterion complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Custodian complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.CustodianOrganization complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.DataEnterer complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Device complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.DocumentationOf complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.EncompassingEncounter complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Encounter complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.EncounterParticipant complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Entity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Entry complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.EntryRelationship complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ExternalAct complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ExternalDocument complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ExternalObservation complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ExternalProcedure complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Guardian complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.HealthCareFacility complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Informant12 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.InformationRecipient complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.InfrastructureRoot.typeId complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.InFulfillmentOf complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.IntendedRecipient complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.LabeledDrug complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.LanguageCommunication complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.LegalAuthenticator complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Location complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.MaintainedEntity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ManufacturedProduct complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Material complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.NonXMLBody complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Observation complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ObservationMedia complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ObservationRange complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Order complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Organization complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.OrganizationPartOf complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Organizer complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ParentDocument complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Participant1 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Participant2 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ParticipantRole complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Patient complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.PatientRole complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Performer1 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Performer2 complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Person complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Place complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.PlayingEntity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Precondition complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Procedure complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Product complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RecordTarget complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Reference complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ReferenceRange complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RegionOfInterest complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RegionOfInterest.value complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RelatedDocument complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RelatedEntity complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.RelatedSubject complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ResponsibleParty complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Section complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.ServiceEvent complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Specimen complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.SpecimenRole complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.StructuredBody complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Subject complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.SubjectPerson complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.SubstanceAdministration complex type.
Java-Klasse für POCD_MT000040.Supply complex type.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PolicyType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um PolicyType bilden zu können.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AuthnStatement building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AuthnStatements bilden zu können.
Enumeration of PostalAddressUse values
Interface describing the methods of CH:PPQ client configuration. Interface beschreibt die Methoden für die CH:PPQ Client Konfiguration.
Interface describing the PpClientConfigBuilder methods. Interface beschreibt die Methoden des PpClientConfigBuilder.
Class implementing the interface PpClientConfigBuilder.
Implementation class of Interface PpClientConfig
Java-Klasse für PPD_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für PPD_TS complex type.
Interface describing the methods for the privacy policy admin client Interface welches die Methoden für den Privacy Policy Admin Client beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods for the privacy policy query client Interface welches die Methoden für den Privacy Policy Query Client beschreibt.
A dimensioned quantity expressing the result of a measurement act.
A representation of a physical quantity in a unit from any code system.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.practiceSettingCode values
Dieses Attribut soll den Inhalt eines Dokumentes einer medizinischen Fachrichtung zuordnen.
The enumeration of all possible prescription statuses.
Interface describing the methods for the privacy policy feed Interface welches die Methoden für den Privacy Policy Feed beschreibt.
Enumeration defining the PrivacyPolicyFeed methods. Enumeration die PrivacyPolicyFeed Methoden definiert.
Interface describing the methods for the PrivacyPolicyFeedBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden für den PrivacyPolicyFeedBuilder beschreibt.
Class implementing the interfaces PrivacyPolicyFeedBuilder and SecurityObjectBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Response>.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PrivacyPolicyFeed.
Interface describing the methods for the PrivacyPolicyFeedResponse. Interface welches die Methoden für den PrivacyPolicyFeedResponse beschreiben.
Interface describing the methods for the PrivacyPolicyFeedResponseBuilder Interface welches die Methoden für den Privacy Policy Feed beschreibt.
Class implementing the interfaces PrivacyPolicyFeedResponseBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PrivacyPolicyFeed.
Implementation class of Serializer<PrivacyPolicyFeedResponse>.
Class implementating the interface Serializer>Assertion<.
Describing the methods of the PatentPrivacyQuery Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des PatentPrivacyQuery Interfaces
Describing the methods of the PatentPrivacyQueryBuilder Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des PatentPrivacyQueryBuilder Interfaces
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PatientPrivacyQuery building.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PatientPrivacyQuery.
Describing the methods of the CH:PPQ communication Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des CH:PPQ Kommunikations-Interfaces
Describing the methods of the PatentPrivacyQueryResponse Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des PatentPrivacyQueryResponse Interfaces
Describing the methods of the PrivacyPolicyQueryResponseBuilder interface Beschreibung der Methoden des PrivacyPolicyQueryResponseBuilder Interfaces
Class implementing the interfaces PrivacyPolicyQueryResponseBuilder and SecurityObjectBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Response>.
Class implementing the corresponding interfaces for PrivacyPolicyQueryResponse and SecurityObject.
Implementation class of Serializer<PrivacyPolicyQueryResponse>.
Implementation class of Serializer<PrivacyPolicyQuery>.
Java-Klasse für ProbabilityDistributionType.
Enumeration of EprPurposeOfUse values
Enumeration of EprPurposeOfUse values
Enumeration of EprPurposeOfUse values
Enumeration of EprPurposeOfUse values
Describing the methods of the PurposeOfUse Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des PurposeOfUse Interfaces
Class providing method to generate the CH:EPD PurposeOfUse instances NORM and EMER Klasse die die methoden für die Generierung von CH:EPD PurposeOfUse Instanzen NORM und EMER
The quantity data type is an abstract generalization for all data types (1) whose value set has an order relation (less-or-equal) and (2) where difference is defined in all of the data type's totally ordered value subsets.
A qualified identifier.
The Class ReadmeTxt represents the README.TXT file, which is part of the contents of an XDM volume.
Fractional numbers.
The class Reference contains all necessary fields for an HL7 CDA R2 reference.
The Class ReferenceRange.
Reference Utilities
Based on generated minus time units.
Java-Klasse für RelatedLinkType.
Enumeration for the WS-Trust Request type. Enummerierung für den WS-Trust Request Typ
Class implementing the corresponding interface for SubjectMatchType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um SubjectMatchType bilden zu können.
Interface describing the methods of Response. Interface welches die Methoden einer Response beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the ResponseBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des ResponseBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Response>.
Implementation class of Response Implementations Klasse von Response
Implementation class of Serializer<Response>.
Interface describing the Methods for the validation of Responses. Interface welches die Methoden für die Validierung von Responses beschreibt.
Implementation class of ResponseValidator Implementations Klasse von ResponseValidator
Enumeration of EprRole values
Enumeration of EprRole values
Enumeration of EprRole values
Enumeration of EprRole values
Class providing method to generate the CH:EPD Role instances ASS, DADM, HCP, PAT, PADM, REP, TCU Klasse die die methoden für die Generierung von CH:EPD Role Instanzen ASS, DADM, HCP, PAT, PADM, REP, TCU
Java-Klasse für RoleClassAdministerableMaterial.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassContact.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassContent.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassDistributedMaterial.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassEmployee.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassInactiveIngredient.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassInvestigationSubject.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassIsSpeciesEntity.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassLocatedEntity.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassManufacturedProduct.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassPart.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassServiceDeliveryLocation.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassSpecimen.
Java-Klasse für RoleClassTerritoryOfAuthority.
Enumeration of RouteOfAdministrationAmbu values
Enumeration of RouteOfAdministrationEDQM values
A quantity constructed as the quotient of a numerator quantity divided by a denominator quantity.
Java-Klasse für RTO_MO_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für RTO_PQ_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für RTO_QTY_QTY complex type.
Helpers related to RUIDs (HL7 Reserved Identifier Scheme).
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PolicyType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um PolicyType bilden zu können.
A ST that optionally may have a code attached.
An extension of the ph-schematron SchematronOutputType with some added utility methods.
A transformer from Schematron files (.sch) to XML Stylesheet Transform files (.xsl).
A Schematron validator for XML files.
Found in MobileAccessGateway project, 19.09.2022, ( mapper for code systems to schemes
Interface describing the methods of SecurityHeaderElement.
Interface describing the generic methods of SecurityObject for the templated type T. Interface welches die Methoden des SecurityObject für den templated Typ T beschreibt.
Interface describing the generic methods for SecurityObjectBuilder using the templated type T and U. Interface welches die Methoden des SecurityObjectBuilder unter der Verwendung der templated Typen T und U beschreibt.
Class implementing the SerializeException. Klasse implemetiert die SerializeException.
Typed interface describing some generic methods for serializing model instances to different serialized forms. Typisiertes Interface welches die Methoden für die Serialisierung von Modell Instanzen in verschiedene Formen der Serialisierung beschreibt.
Java-Klasse für SetOperator.
Interface describing the methods of the sign and crypt module. Interface welches die Methoden des sign und crypt modules beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface SignCryptModule. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface SignCryptModule.
Class implementing the SigningException. Klasse implemetiert die SigningException.
Interface describing the methods of the SimpleBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des SimpleBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the simple ppq client.
Class implementing the simple ppq client.
Class implementing the simple xua client. Klasse die den Simple Client implementiert.
Java-Klasse für SLIST_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für SLIST_TS complex type.
Interface describing the methods of sopa client configuration. Interface welches die Methoden für die SOAP Client Konfiguration beschreibt.
Interface describing the ClientConfigBuilder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des ClientConfigBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the interface ClientConfigBuilder serving as builder to create config for client with basic authentication. Klasse die das Interface ClienConfiguilder implementiert.
Class implementing the SoapException. Klasse implemetiert die SoapException.
This enum allows a ValueSet to be configured according to its format.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.sourcePatientInfo.PID-8 values
Utilities to create Sources.
This enum is used to configure the type of source of a ValueSet.
The Class Specimen.
The Class SpecimenRole.
The character string data type stands for text data, primarily intended for machine processing (e.g., sorting, querying, indexing, etc.) Used for names, symbols, and formal expressions.
Java-Klasse für State.
Interface describing the methods of the StatementBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des StatementBuilder beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AuthnStatement building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AuthnStatements bilden zu können.
Interface describing the methods of Status. Interface welches die Methoden von Status beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the StatusBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des StatusBuilders beschreibt.
Enumeration of the possible StatusCodes Enumerierung der möglichen StatusCodes
Implementation class of Status Implementations Klasse von Status
Interface for convenience stored queries
Java-Klasse für StreetName.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Br complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Caption complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Col complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Colgroup complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Content complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Footnote complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.FootnoteRef complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Item complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.LinkHtml complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.List complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Paragraph complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.RenderMultiMedia complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Sub complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Sup complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Table complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Tbody complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Td complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Text complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Tfoot complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Th complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Thead complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Title complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.TitleContent complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.TitleFootnote complex type.
Java-Klasse für StrucDoc.Tr complex type.
Interface describing the methods of Subject Interface welches die Methoden von Subject beschreibt
Interface describing the methods of the SubjectBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des SubjectBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for Subject building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um Subject bilden zu können.
Interface decribing the methods of SubjectConfirmation. Interface welches die Methoden von SubjectConfirmation beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of the SubjectConfirmation. Interface welches die Methoden des SubjectConfirmation beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for SubjectConfirmation building.
Implementation class of SubjectConfirmation Implementations Klasse von SubjectConfirmation
Implementation class of Subject Implementations Klasse von Subject
Class implementing the corresponding interface for SubjectMatchType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um SubjectMatchType bilden zu können.
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole values
Enumeration of SubmissionSet.Author.AuthorRole values
A converter between XDS SubmissionSet and the equivalent MHD resource.
Represents the metadata for a submission set (which can hold one or more documents)
The Class MetadataExtractionMode
Represents the metadata for a submission set (which can hold one or more documents)
Response class that contains both formats of the response marshalled in a ValueSet object and raw dformat exactly as downloaded ValueSetResponse will contain only one format at a time
Java-Klasse für SXCM_CD complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_INT complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_MO complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_PPD_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_PPD_TS complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_PQ complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_REAL complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXCM_TS complex type.
Java-Klasse für SXPR_TS complex type.
A mapper for system OIDs and URIs.
Internal model of a system information
Enumeration of TargetAwareness values
Class implementing the corresponding interface for PolicyType building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um PolicyType bilden zu können.
An implementation of a TCP syslog sender, compliant with the RFC 5425 syslog frame format.
A telephone number (voice or fax), e-mail address, or other locator for a resource (information or service) mediated by telecommunication equipment.
The class Telecom contains all necessary fields for mean of communication such as a eMail, phone or website.
Address uses that only apply to telecommunication addresses, not postal addresses.
Details for all kinds of technology-mediated contact points for a person or organization, including telephone, email, etc.
Builder to build TelecomBaseType.
Class Telecom represents a list of telecommunication endpoints.
Java-Klasse für TemporallyPertains.
Java-Klasse für TextMediaType.
A thumbnail is an abbreviated rendition of the full data.
Java-Klasse für TimingEvent.
Enumeration of TimingEventAmbu values
A restriction of entity name that is effectively a simple string used for a simple name for things and places.
Enumeration defining the TokenTypes. Enumeration die die TokenTypes definiert.
A class representing a traceparent.
Interface for translated enums.
The enumeration of the possible treatment statuses.
A quantity specifying a point on the axis of natural time.
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.typeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.typeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.typeCode values
Enumeration of DocumentEntry.typeCode values
Der Code definiert den Typ eines Dokuments (z.B.
Helpers related to UIDs.
Enumeration of UnitCode values
Describing the methods of the UnknownPolicySetId Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des UnknownPolicySetId Interfaces
Describing the methods of the AssertionBasedRequestBuilder Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des AssertionBasedRequestBuilder Interfaces
Builder class for OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId. Builder Klasse für OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId.
Implementing class of OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId interface. Implementierende Klasse des OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId Interfaces.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSamlUnknownPolicySetId .
Describing the methods of the UpdatePolicyRequest Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des UpdatePolicyRequest Interfaces
Builder class for OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest. Builder Klasse für OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest.
Implementing class of OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest interface. Implementierende Klasse des OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest Interfaces.
Class implementing the marshaller for OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Marshaller für OpenSamlAddPolicyRequest.
Class implementing the unmarshaller for OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest. Die Klasse implementiert den Unmarshaller für OpenSamlUpdatePolicyRequest.
A telecommunications address specified according to Internet standard RFC 1738 [].
Java-Klasse für URLScheme.
Interface decribing the methods of UsernameToken Interface welches die Methoden von UsernameToken beschreibt
Interface describing the methods of the UsernameTokenBuilder. Interface welches die Methoden des UsernameTokenBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for UsernameToken building.
Implementation class of interfaces UsernameToken and SecurityObject Implementations Klasse der Interfaces UsernameToken und SecurityObject
Implementation class of Serializer<UsernameToken>.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. 
Helpers related to UUIDs (as per RFC4122).
Java-Klasse für UVP_TS complex type.
The class V3PdqQuery implements the MpiQuery functionality for the Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) ITI-47.
The Class V3PdqQueryResponse implements the MpiQueryResponse
The Class V3PixSourceMessageHelper.
Class implementing ValidationException. Klasse welche die ValidationException definiert.
The model of a validation issue.
The model that contains the result of a FHIR resource validation.
Some utility methods for the validators.
Ein Wert bestehend aus eigentlichem Wert und der zugehörigen Einheit.
The Class ValueSet is intended to collect all metadata of a value set (such as id, name, version, date ...) and all Entries (codes) of the value set. Die Klasse ValueSet dient zum Sammeln aller Metadaten eines Wertesatzes (wie ID, Name, Version, Datum ...) und aller Einträge (Codes) des Wertesatzes.
Builder to build ValueSet.
ValueSetConfig is used by ValueSetPackageConfig for each ValueSet that is part of the package. Die ValueSetConfig wird von ValueSetPackageConfig für jeden Wertesatz verwendet, der Teil des Pakets ist.
Builder to build ValueSetConfig.
The Class ValueSetEntry is intended to collect all information of a single entry of a value set (such as code, codesystem, display names in multiple languages...). Die Klasse ValueSetEntry dient zum Sammeln aller Informationen eines einzelnen Wertesatz-Eintrags (z.
Builder to build ValueSetEntry.
This enum serves to properly handle a ValueSetEntry (e.g., implementing the tree structure).
Interface for all dynamically created/updated value sets.
Interface for all dynamically created/updated value sets.
A service that loads display name for some enums that extend the ValueSetEnumInterface that are understandable by patients.
Manages the handling of ValueSets such as download from an URL, save to and load from a file. Verwaltet die Verarbeitung von ValueSets, z.
The Class ValueSetPackage is intended to contain all information about a package of multiple value sets. Die Klasse ValueSetPackage dient zum Sammeln aller Informationen zu einem Paket mit mehreren Wertesätzen.
Builder to build ValueSetPackage.
The Class ValueSetPackageConfig contains all relevant information (the configuration) for the ValueSetPackageManager. Die Klasse ValueSetPackageConfig enthält alle relevanten Informationen (die Konfiguration) für den ValueSetPackageManager.
Builder to build ValueSetPackageConfig.
The Class ValueSetPackageManager is intended to provide all necessary functions to fill, use, download and save value set packages. Der Class ValueSetPackageManager dient dazu alle notwendigen Funktionen zum Befüllen, Verwenden, Herunterladen und Speichern von ValueSet-Paketen bereitzustellen.
Availability status of a value set package.
The content of the enum is as given by ART-DECOR.
Class that contains information about a vendor and its applications.
The Class Version contains all information describing a specific version of a value set. Die Klasse Version enthält alle Informationen, die eine bestimmte Version eines Wertesatzes beschreiben.
Builder to build Version.
Java-Klasse für VideoMediaType.
Original ART-DECOR template id:
Original ART-DECOR template id:
Original ART-DECOR template id:
Java-Klasse für WorkPlaceAddressUse.
Class implementing the internface SOAPHandler to add WSA header. Klasse die das Interface SOAPHandler implementiert um einer Message WSA headers hinzuzufügen.
Class implementing the parameters for SOAP WSA Headers Klasse welche die Parameter und Methoden für SOAP WSA Headers definiert
Class implementing XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatement
Class implementing the corresponding interface for AuthnStatement building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um AuthnStatements bilden zu können.
Class implementing XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatementImpl
Class implementing XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatementTypeImplBuilder
Java-Klasse für x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct.
Java-Klasse für x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodDefEvn.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodDefEvnRqoPrmsPrp.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodDocumentObservation.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodEvnOrdPrmsPrp.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodOrdPrms.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodOrdPrmsEvn.
Java-Klasse für x_ActMoodRqoPrpAptArq.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipDocument.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipEntry.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipEntryRelationship.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipExternalReference.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipPatientTransport.
Java-Klasse für x_ActRelationshipPertinentInfo.
Java-Klasse für x_DeterminerInstanceKind.
The Class XdmContents represents all content of an XDM volume.
Class that holds the extracted documents and submission sets from a given xdm volume.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentActMood.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentEncounterMood.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentEntrySubject.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentProcedureMood.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentSubject.
Java-Klasse für x_DocumentSubstanceMood.
A simple class to collect DocumentRequests and use them to send to the webservice.
Represents a query to find XDS folders
Class XdsUtil provides helper methods for the IHE XDS Context.
Class XdsUtil provides helper methods for the austrian specific IHE XDS Context
This class is designed to contain all possible search parameters for finding a document with the webservice.
Represents the connection details for an IHE XDS Repository
xds util class
Utility class that contains methods copied and refactored from the ConvenienceCommunication class Methods are used to create the ProvideAndRegisterDocumentSet request
Java-Klasse für x_EncounterParticipant.
Java-Klasse für x_EncounterPerformerParticipation.
Java-Klasse für x_InformationRecipient.
Java-Klasse für x_InformationRecipientRole.
Helper class providing methods to add a fragment of an xml document to an other xml element as child. Helferklasse welche Methoden für das Kopieren von XML Teilen in ein Element als Kind zur Verfügung stellt.
Factories for XML-related classes.
This class provides a marshaller implementation to convert various objects into their XML representation.
Implementation class of Interface XUserAssertionRequest and SecurityObject Implementations Klasse von Interface XUserAssertionRequest und SecurityObject
The report of an XML Schema validation.
An XML Schema validator.
This class provides an unmarshaller implementation to read various objects from their XML representation.
Java-Klasse für x_OrganizationNamePartType.
Java-Klasse für x_ParticipationAuthorPerformer.
Java-Klasse für x_ParticipationEntVrf.
Java-Klasse für x_ParticipationPrfEntVrf.
Java-Klasse für x_ParticipationVrfRespSprfWit.
Java-Klasse für x_PersonNamePartType.
Java-Klasse für x_RoleClassAccommodationRequestor.
Java-Klasse für x_RoleClassCoverage.
Java-Klasse für x_RoleClassCoverageInvoice.
Java-Klasse für x_RoleClassPayeePolicyRelationship.
Java-Klasse für x_ServiceEventPerformer.
Interface describing the methods for the X-User Assertion Provider client. Interface welches die Methoden für den X-User Assertion Provider Client beschreibt.
Interface describing the methods of IdP Client configuration. Interface welches die Methoden für die IdP Client Konfiguration beschreibt.
Interface describing the XuaClientConfigBuilder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des XuaClientConfigBuilders beschreibt.
Class implementing the interface XuaClientConfigBuilder. Klasse die das Interface XuaClientConfigBuilder implementiert.
Implementation class of Interface XuaClientConfig Implementations Klasse von Interface XuaClientConfig
Class defining XUserAssertionConstants. Klasse welche XUserAssertionConstanten definiert.
Describing the methods of the XUserAssertionModule Interface Beschreibung der Methoden des XUserAssertionModule Interfaces
Interface describing the methods of XUserAssertionRequest. Interface welches die Methoden für den XUserAssertionRequest beschreibt.
Interface describing the X-User assertion request builder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des X-User assertion builders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for XUserAssertionRequest building for Swiss EPR.
Class implementing the corresponding interface for XUserAssertionRequest building. Die Klasse implementiert das entsprechende Interface um XUserAssertionRequests bilden zu können.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Response>.
Implementation class of Interface XUserAssertionRequest and SecurityObject Implementations Klasse von Interface XUserAssertionRequest und SecurityObject
Implementation class of Serializer<Response>.
Interface describing the methods of XUserAssertionResponse. Interface welches die Methoden für den XUserAssertionResponse beschreibt.
Interface describing the X-User assertion response builder methods. Interface welches die Methoden des X-User assertion builders beschreibt.
Class implementing the corresponding interfaces XUserAssertionResponseBuilder and SecurityObjectBuilder. Die Klasse implementiert die entsprechenden Interfaces XUserAssertionResponseBuilder und SecurityObjectBuilder.
Class implementing the corresponding interface Deserializer<Response>.
Implementation class of Interface XUserAssertionResponse and SecurityObject Implementations Klasse von Interface XUserAssertionResponse und SecurityObject
Implementation class of Serializer<Response>.
This class provides the functions to create zip files